Reliable 1Z0-829 Test Vce - 1Z0-829 Exam Price

Reliable 1Z0-829 Test Vce - 1Z0-829 Exam Price

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Using our 1Z0-829 practice engine may be the most important step for you to improve your strength. You know, like the butterfly effect, one of your choices may affect your life. And our 1Z0-829 exam questions are definitely the exact effect that will change your life. In fact, our 1Z0-829 Study Materials have been tested and proved to make it. Many of our customers gave our feedbacks to say that our 1Z0-829 training guide helped them lead a better life and brighter future.

To pass the Oracle 1Z0-829 certification exam, candidates must have a strong understanding of Java SE 17 concepts and features, such as modules, records, text blocks, and pattern matching. They must also be familiar with Java tools and technologies, including the Java Development Kit (JDK), Java Virtual Machine (JVM), and Java APIs. Additionally, candidates must be able to write, debug, and troubleshoot Java code to meet the requirements of different application scenarios. Passing 1Z0-829 exam will demonstrate to employers that a candidate has the skills necessary to develop high-quality Java applications using the latest technologies and practices.

Oracle 1Z0-829 Certification Exam is designed for Java developers who want to validate their skills in developing applications using Java SE 17 technologies. 1Z0-829 exam is a great way for developers to demonstrate their proficiency in Java programming and to enhance their career opportunities in the field of software development. Java SE 17 Developer certification exam evaluates the developer's knowledge and skills in various areas of Java SE 17 development, such as memory management, concurrency, and security.

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1Z0-829 Exam Price, 1Z0-829 Valid Dumps Questions

In modern society, you cannot support yourself if you stop learning. That means you must work hard to learn useful knowledge in order to survive especially in your daily work. Our 1Z0-829 learning questions are filled with useful knowledge, which will broaden your horizons and update your skills. Lack of the knowledge cannot help you accomplish the tasks efficiently. But our 1Z0-829 Exam Questions can help you solve all of these probelms. And our 1Z0-829 study guide can be your work assistant.

To be eligible for the Oracle 1Z0-829 exam, candidates must have a solid understanding of Java programming language fundamentals, including variables, data types, and control structures. In addition, candidates must have experience working with Java SE 17 APIs, Java I/O fundamentals, and Java class design. Candidates who Pass 1Z0-829 Exam will receive the Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE 17 Developer certification.

Oracle Java SE 17 Developer Sample Questions (Q31-Q36):

Given the directory structure:

Given the definition of the Doc class:

Which two are valid definition of the wordDoc class?

  • A. Package p1,
    non-sealed abstract class WordDoc extends Doc ()
  • B. Package p1;
    Public non-sealed class wordDoc extends Doc ()
  • C. Package p1, p2;
    Public sealed class WordDoc extends Doc ()
  • D. Package p1;
    Public final class WordDoc extends Doc ()
  • E. Package p1, p2;
    Public non-sealed class WordDoc extends Doc ()
  • F. Package p1;
    Public class wordDoc extends Doc ()

Answer: B,D

The correct answer is A and F because the wordDoc class must be a non-sealed class or a final class to extend the sealed Doc class. Option B is incorrect because the wordDoc class must be non-sealed or final. Option C is incorrect because the wordDoc class cannot be in a different package than the Doc class. Option D is incorrect because the wordDoc class cannot be a sealed class. Option E is incorrect because the wordDoc class cannot be an abstract class. Reference: Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE 17 Developer, 3 Sealed Classes - Oracle Help Center


Which statement is true?

  • A. The program throws ClassCastException
  • B. The program throws outofStockException.
  • C. The program fails to compile.
  • D. The program throws StockException.

Answer: C

The answer is B because the code fragment contains a syntax error that prevents it from compiling. The code fragment tries to catch a StockException in line 10, but the catch block does not have a parameter of type StockException. The catch block should have a parameter of type StockException, such as:
catch (StockException e) { // handle the exception }
This is required by the Java syntax for the catch clause, which must have a parameter that is a subclass of Throwable. Without a parameter, the catch block is invalid and causes a compilation error.
Option A is incorrect because the program does not throw a StockException, as it does not compile.
Option C is incorrect because the program does not throw an OutofStockException, as it does not compile.
Option D is incorrect because the program does not throw a ClassCastException, as it does not compile.
Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE 17 Developer
Java SE 17 Developer
OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 17 Developer Study Guide
The try-with-resources Statement (The Java™ Tutorials > Essential Classes > Exceptions) The catch Blocks (The Java™ Tutorials > Essential Classes > Exceptions)


What is the result?

  • A. UserName
  • B. The program throws a MissingResourceException.
  • C. User name (EN)
  • D. User name (US)
  • E. User name (EN - US)

Answer: B

The answer is B because the code fragment contains a logical error that causes a MissingResourceException at runtime. The code fragment tries to load a resource bundle with the base name "" and the locale "en_US". However, there is no such resource bundle available in the classpath. The available resource bundles are:
The ResourceBundle class follows a fallback mechanism to find the best matching resource bundle for a given locale. It first tries to find the resource bundle with the exact locale, then it tries to find the resource bundle with the same language and script, then it tries to find the resource bundle with the same language, and finally it tries to find the default resource bundle with no locale. If none of these resource bundles are found, it throws a MissingResourceException.
In this case, the code fragment is looking for a resource bundle with the base name "" and the locale "en_US". The ResourceBundle class will try to find the following resource bundles in order:
However, none of these resource bundles exist in the classpath. Therefore, the ResourceBundle class will throw a MissingResourceException.
To fix this error, the code fragment should use the correct base name of the resource bundle family, which is
"Captions" without the ".properties" extension. For example:
ResourceBundle captions = ResourceBundle.getBundle("Captions", currentLocale); This will load the appropriate resource bundle for the current locale, which is "" in this case. References:
Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE 17 Developer
Java SE 17 Developer
OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 17 Developer Study Guide
ResourceBundle (Java Platform SE 8 )
About the ResourceBundle Class (The Java™ Tutorials > Internationalization)


Which two should the module-info file include for it to represent the service provider interface?

  • A. Exports;
  • B. Requires cm.transport.vehicle,cars:
  • C. impl,CarImp1 to Cars
  • D. Requires cm.transport.vehicle,cars:
  • E. Exports com.transport.vehicle;
  • F. with impt, CatImpI;
  • G. exports;

Answer: F,G

The answer is B and E because the module-info file should include a provides directive and an exports directive to represent the service provider interface. The provides directive declares that the module provides an implementation of a service interface, which is in this case. The with clause specifies the fully qualified name of the service provider class, which is in this case. The exports directive declares that the module exports a package, which is in this case, to make it available to other modules. The package contains the service interface that other modules can use.
Option A is incorrect because requires is not the correct keyword to declare a service provider interface.
Requires declares that the module depends on another module, which is not the case here.
Option C is incorrect because it has a typo in the module name. It should be, not
Option D is incorrect because it has a typo in the keyword provides. It should be provides, not Provides. It also has a typo in the service interface name. It should be, not impl. It also has an unnecessary to clause, which is used to limit the accessibility of an exported package to specific modules.
Option F is incorrect because it exports the wrong package. It should export, not The impl package contains the service provider class, which should not be exposed to other modules.
Option G is incorrect because it exports the wrong package. It should export, not com.transport.vehicle. The vehicle package does not contain the service interface or the service provider class.
Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE 17 Developer
Java SE 17 Developer
OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 17 Developer Study Guide
Java Modules - Service Interface Module - GeeksforGeeks
Java Service Provider Interface | Baeldung

Which statement is true about migration?